July 2024
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The Global fund continues its support to the countries to fight COVID-19 pandemic globally within COVID-19 Response Mechanism (C19RM).

Under C19RM, Georgia was offered a new opportunity for finding on the basis of corresponding proposal. There are several windows for submitting proposals, from May 14 until the end of June.  Fast track requests can be submitted from April 7.

Detailed information is available at: Our COVID-19 Response – The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria

For more information, inquiries, please address CCM Secretariat:



Georgia CCM starts receiving ideas/proposals from stakeholders. The selected proposals will be discussed and included into joint HIV/TB country application to be submitted to the Global Fund for the next implementation period (2022-2025).

Please send your ideas/proposal no later than March 25, inclusively to the following e-mail addresses of the Secretariat: secretary@georgia-ccm.ge; admin@georgia-ccm.ge


Indicative project areas:

- Ensure quality treatment and care of PLHIV, psychosocial and adherence support;

- Ensure quality treatment and care of TB patients, psychosocial and adherence support;

- Implementation of interventions for HIV prevention and conducting of HIV testing among TGs;

- Implementation of interventions for HIV prevention and conducting of HIV testing among MSMs;

- Quality control of coverage of IDUs with prevention services and testing, monitoring and supervision, building technical capacities of harm reduction organizations, adaptation of service centers to requirements of service delivery;

- Implementation of HIV prevention interventions targeting FSWs;

- Support to HIV self-testing platform;

- PrEP community program;

- Piloting and support of innovative HIV prevention and testing programs;

- Piloting and implementation of a primary healthcare based integrated HIV prevention, diagnosis and treatment interventions;

- Telemedicine based trainings and service delivery;

- Community systems strengthening support, advocacy, facilitation of development of supportive political and regulatory framework;

- Introduction of new methods of TB diagnosis;

- Active detection and management of latent TB;

- Implementation of “Zero TB” initiative in various regions of Georgia;

- Integrating TB services in Primary Healthcare;

- Improvement of quality of TB control;

- Support to VOT and consultation;

- Introduction of unified TB management electronic information system;

- Information campaigns to raise public awareness.


On February 23, 2021 the field visit of the Oversight Committee was held in online format.

Impact of COVID-19 on the work of community organizations and on TB detection and adherence were discussed during the meeting.

The financial support received from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) has a critical importance for national response to TB and HIV/AIDS.

The CCM launches the process to develop the country joint HIV/TB proposal to be submitted to the Global Fund for the next implementation period (2022-2025).

It is important the proposal to be prepared through a broad country dialogue with an active involvement of all stakeholders.

CCM Georgia welcomes participation of Non-Governmental Organizations, especially Key Affected Populations (KAPs) in the process.

The deadline for submission of the country proposal is August 15, 2021.

From February, 2021 CCM will start receiving ideas/proposals from stakeholders. The selected proposals will be discussed and included into the country application. The announcement on receiving proposals will be additionally placed on the CCM web-site.

Detailed information on application process can be found at the following link: https://www.theglobalfund.org/en/funding-model/applying/