July 2024
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Georgia CCM starts receiving ideas/proposals from stakeholders. The selected proposals will be discussed and included into joint HIV/TB country application to be submitted to the Global Fund for the next implementation period (2022-2025).

Please send your ideas/proposal no later than March 25, inclusively to the following e-mail addresses of the Secretariat: secretary@georgia-ccm.ge; admin@georgia-ccm.ge


Indicative project areas:

- Ensure quality treatment and care of PLHIV, psychosocial and adherence support;

- Ensure quality treatment and care of TB patients, psychosocial and adherence support;

- Implementation of interventions for HIV prevention and conducting of HIV testing among TGs;

- Implementation of interventions for HIV prevention and conducting of HIV testing among MSMs;

- Quality control of coverage of IDUs with prevention services and testing, monitoring and supervision, building technical capacities of harm reduction organizations, adaptation of service centers to requirements of service delivery;

- Implementation of HIV prevention interventions targeting FSWs;

- Support to HIV self-testing platform;

- PrEP community program;

- Piloting and support of innovative HIV prevention and testing programs;

- Piloting and implementation of a primary healthcare based integrated HIV prevention, diagnosis and treatment interventions;

- Telemedicine based trainings and service delivery;

- Community systems strengthening support, advocacy, facilitation of development of supportive political and regulatory framework;

- Introduction of new methods of TB diagnosis;

- Active detection and management of latent TB;

- Implementation of “Zero TB” initiative in various regions of Georgia;

- Integrating TB services in Primary Healthcare;

- Improvement of quality of TB control;

- Support to VOT and consultation;

- Introduction of unified TB management electronic information system;

- Information campaigns to raise public awareness.


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